Gas-Fired Bogie Hearth Furnaces up to 1400 °C for Firing or Sintering or as Combi Furnace for Debinding and Sintering in one Process

Nabertherm WB14880S kemence
Nabertherm WB14880S kemence Gas-fired bogie hearth furnaces distinguish by their dimensions and efficiency. The use of high-speed burners allows for short heating times. The burners are arranged according to the furnace geometry providing for a good temperature uniformity. Depending on the furnace dimensions, the burners can alternatively be equipped with recuperator technology to save energy. The high-quality, long-life fiber insulation with storage capacity provides for short heating and cooling times.

  • Tmax 1300 °C
  • Powerful, sturdy high-speed burner with pulse control and special flame control in the furnace chamber provide for good temperature uniformity
  • Operation with city gas, natural gas or liquified gas
  • Fully automatic PLC control of the temperature, including monitoring of the burner function
  • Gas fittings according to DVGW (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water) with flame monitoring and safety valve
  • Reduction-resistant fiber insulation with low heat storage provides for short heating and cooling times
  • Double-walled housing provides for low outside temperatures
  • Exhaust hood with fittings for further discharge of the exhaust gases
  • Over-temperature limit controller with manual reset for thermal protection class 2 in accordance with EN 60519-2 as temperature limiter to protect the furnace and load

Additional equipment

  • Customized furnace dimensions
  • Automatic lambda control to set the furnace atmosphere
  • Debinding package for debinding and sintering with corresponding safety technology
  • Exhaust air and exhaust gas piping
  • Recuperator burners utilizing part of the waste heat in the exhaust tract to preheat the combustion air and considerably contribute to energy saving
  • Thermal or catalytic exhaust cleaning systems
  • Process documentation via Nabertherm Control Center (NCC) for monitoring, documentation and control in the use of Debinding Package II
  • Other additional equipment for bogie hearth furnaces