hőbefúvós kemence

Chamber Furnaces up to 1400 °C

Chamber Furnaces up to 1400 °C

N 100 – N 2200/14 These high-quality chamber furnaces for firing, sintering and tempering have qualified themselves with the reliability for many years in daily use. Thanks to their five-side heating, the furnaces provide for a very good temperature uniformity. A wide range of additional equipment perfectly adapt these models to the process requirements. Tmax...

Combi Chamber Furnaces up to 1400 °C for Debinding and Sintering in one Process

Combi Chamber Furnaces up to 1400 °C for Debinding and Sintering in one Process

N 200/DB – N 1000/HDB The combi chamber furnaces N 200/DB – N 650/HDB are specially developed for debinding and sintering in one process. The furnaces have a fresh air supply providing for dilution of the exhaust gases produced during debinding, for safe prevention of an inflammable atmosphere in the furnace chamber. The standard version of the furnaces...

Pit-Type and Top-Loading Furnaces up to 1400 °C

Pit-Type and Top-Loading Furnaces up to 1400 °C

Our top-loading furnaces are perfectly suited for firing, sintering or tempering of long, heavy products. Charging is mostly carried out with the help of an overhead crane. Heating from all sides and from the bottom provides for an good temperature uniformity. Tailor-made dimensions are designed and manufactured in accordance with the size and weight of components....


Hőbefúvós kemencék 1400°C – ig

W 1000 – W 10000/14, W 1000/DB – W 10000/14DB A csillés kemencék számos előnyt kínálnak az égető, szinterező és hőkezelő gyártási folyamatok során. A csillét a kemencén kívülről lehet rakodni. Több csille használata is lehetséges, ebben az esetben az egyik a kemencék kívül rakodható, míg a másik a kemencében van. A kemencét az eltérő gyártási...
